We are convinced that the inherent growth potential of the developing markets rests in successfully unlocking the huge potential of its population, a growth potential that also could be supported by a benign demographic profile. Dunross today has only a very tiny presence in the developed parts of the world. Our main focus is on so-called Breakout Nations.
The many fantastic entrepreneurs and employees of companies operating in the developing markets that we have come across during our travels, never ceases to amaze us. Their knowledge, energy and visions inspire us, and it is in such ventures we are prepared to make substantial investments. These companies constitute the basis for wealth creation, and it is through their endeavours that poverty is eradicated. The more of such dynamic individuals, the better. However, such entrepreneurial spirits also need a robust framework; hence the need of a supportive legal state and institutions that allow market forces to operate as efficiently as possible.
Developing countries, that implement and strengthen market reforms, enforce property right, maintain a land registry, promote free-trade and improve its educational system, are markets we prefer to invest in. Moreover, if they try to reduce inefficient allocations of capital and labour (best done through lower taxation on these wealth creators), simplify trade, fight corruption, they offer hope for a more prosperous future.
Countries exhibiting such characteristics we call “Breakout Nations” and are countries we actively want to invest in for the long term; developing markets that have embraced the dynamic and progressive path of market economy and globalization to get out of the poverty trap. Also, of great importance for a Breakout Nation, is the income distribution across the various members or groups of the society, where a broad and well-established middle class as a stabilizing factor is instrumental. The most important equality reform however, is an educational system that is inclusive and available to as many as possible. You never know where the new entrepreneur or new “Einsteins” can be found.
One of the countries we like and where we have allocated capital to is the Philippines, a fast-growing economy, faster than the growth rate of China. It is a country that now is implementing an extensive educational reform where the mandatory number of schooling years will increase from 10 years to 12 years, and the government also endorses private investment in the educational sector. The extensive PPP investments in infrastructure and the privatization of the electricity market also demonstrate their commitment to more efficient markets. Corruption, however, is still an embedded problem, but as we understand it, a lot of measures are taken to fight this problem.
The New Silk Road both on land and sea is also an important focus in our global investment strategy, here an immense future growth opportunity lies ahead. On these new trading routs along “The New Silk Road”, where Indonesia, The Philippines and Africa are included, other very interesting countries, which might surprise you includes. Other very interesting countries we invest in, which might suprise you; Georgia, Kazakhstan and Russia.